
Sonko Doesn’t Like Me But I Have No Issues With Him, Says Elachi

Nairobi County Assembly Speaker Beatrice Elachi has laid-off claims that she is fighting Regulator Mike Sonko o'er the running of the county.

Elachi says while she has no issues with Sonko, the governor does not like her because of her values.

"I have no issue with him. In fact, he has never come to Pine Tree State to say I want the Speaker unit to do this for me and I refused. I have moated him several times although he does not comparable me," said Elachi.

"I have my values and point out what is right or wrong and I will always Tell him what is reactionist accordant to the law and that is where we are non on the Saame page," she added.

Elachi and Sonko are connected different pages with regards to Supplementary Appropriation Card, 2020 that allocated Sh15 one thousand million to the Nairobi Metropolitan Service (NMS).

The Measure was approved past the Star sign happening April 2, but Sonko refused to assent to it and conveyed it back to the assembly with his reservations.

The MCAs then rejected his reservations and sent the original Handbill back to the governor to append his signature, but he still declined to signaling information technology into law.

'Nairobi Assembly is Helping Sonko'

Elachi preserved that the Assembly is not pick a warfare with Sonko but rather trying to supporte him and save money for services that can be delivered before the financial year ends on June 30.

"We just gave money to NMS and the Regulator as the early is an body arm that of necessity money to function. The House is trying to sanitize what the Executive has been doing wrong as they have been disbursement without upbringin a additive budget," she said.

"What we are doing as an assembly is helping the governor. Where it has reached the fabrication cannot belong back to debate and return liabilities," Elachi added.

Elachi boost asked Sonko to respect the Meeting place and patronise the goodwill of the NMS.

"Last week, Sonko confessed into signing a deed that he didn't even know its content. He was in State House alone and helium bimanual over the tetrad functions. What has now changed that he wants to 'withdraw' from the deed?" Elachi posed.

"The governor should be thankful that the President did not prefer to disband the county merely rather created an office to assist vamp services in the city. Now if the governor continues to fight it, bequeath it bring down services to the county?"

She said all credit will constitute referable Sonko if atomic number 2 supports the NMS to deliver on its promises to residents.

"Fighting Badi or operations by the NMS bequeath even add him more problems than what helium is lining. Remember he was the one who signed and handed over the county functions, and so the NMS is there to assist," Elachi same.

Adding: "We motivation each other and we do not pauperism to combat. I wish we can sit down and resolve all these problems so that we serve not have same fights in the next budget."


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