
What Are The Color Blind Tests For Meps

All individuals looking to join the Armed Forces volition exist required to attend a Military Entrance Processing Station.

This process includes ensuring you are mentally and physically ready for joining.

Yous may accept heard that it tin can be hard to become through MEPS, or that bending the truth may go you through.

But, the truth is being honest is the merely way to pass MEPS and having an agreement on what to look will help yous be successful.

This commodity will embrace what MEPS is, why information technology exists and what to expect while yous are there.

Go on reading for your complete guide to MEPS.

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What is MEPS?

MEPS stands for Military Entrance Processing Station.

This is a facility that is staffed by service members from all branches every bit well as civilians.

MEPS facilities are used to process individuals who are looking to bring together the Military past medically, physically and morally screening them against Department of Defense standards.

Each individual co-operative has standards to which individuals must meet.

This procedure is done by visiting various stations in which y'all volition perform medical and concrete testing besides as completing questionnaires.

Where is MEPS conducted?

MEPS Locations
MEPS Locations. Image: regular

There are currently 65 MEPS locations throughout the continental United states of america, Puerto Rico, Alaska and Hawaii.

They are conducted in well-nigh all continental states.

MEPS facilities are considered armed forces stations that are ran by members from all military branches.

They are broken into Western Sector and Eastern Sector Battalions.

Yous tin can find a complete list of locations here, along with details about each location.

Why is MEPS conducted?

MEPS is conducted to ensure that individuals meet the medical, physical and moral standards set by each branch of service.

This screening process tests individuals in varying means, verifying applicants can meet the demands indicated in each chore.

Each branch has sure requirements regarding medical history, height and weight and physical requirements.

The Military is physically and mentally demanding.

MEPS is used to ensure that you can meet those demands without causing harm to yourself or to others.

During this procedure an bidder's aptitude will be tested and individuals will learn which jobs they qualify for.

What Happens at MEPS?

MEPS includes pre-screening, ASVAB testing, (if you exercise non accept it previously), medical evaluations and enlistment activities.

Pre-screening is the kickoff step of your MEPS visit and occurs with your recruiter prior to attention MEPS.

The mean solar day before MEPS you will be asked to check into a near-by hotel and go over briefing on what will happen the adjacent solar day, as well as what you tin can/cannot bring.

Once you arrive at MEPS you volition receive identification tags and consummate identification processing.

Early on in the day yous will be asked to take the ASVAB test.

After taking the ASVAB test, or if you accept a qualifying score already, y'all volition move onto medical evaluation.

Evaluation includes discussing your medical history, completing physical examinations as well as other medical tests.

After performing medical testing you volition work with a advisor to select a chore in the field y'all would like to bring together.

When your job has been chosen, you have completed your Pre-Enlistment Interview and signed your contract, you will take your Oath of Enlistment.

Check out the required ASVAB scores for jobs in each branch of the military below:

Army ASVAB Scores

Navy ASVAB Scores

Air Force ASVAB Scores

Marine Corps ASVAB Scores

Declension Guard ASVAB Scores

MEPS Pre-Screening

MEPS Pre-Screening
Navy Recruit meeting with a recruiter. Image:

Prior to actually attending MEPS you will complete a pre-screening process with your recruiter.

This process includes a Medical Pre-screen of Medical History Report.

They are looking for whatever immediate disqualifying factors and basic medical information that might require boosted screening after.

Your recruiter will ask you roughly 75 questions regarding previous medical conditions and injuries.

You lot volition learn of whatsoever conditions that will require you to bring supporting medical documentation when yous go MEPS and any that are disqualifying.

Some conditions that may crave supporting documentation or waivers include asthma, ADHD, autism and flat feet, (click on each condition for more than information).

You can be disqualified at this point of the process for serious medical problems that would affect service such as existence blind, having certain disorders such every bit Bipolar Disorder or for lying to your recruiter.


The Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Bombardment Testing (ASVAB) is a series of tests that measures aptitude for certain career fields.

This test is sometimes taken in High Schools or prior to attending MEPS.

If the individual has non taken the ASVAB prior to attending MEPS they will consummate the examination before completing the medical screening portion.

The ASVAB should be taken seriously considering it volition make up one's mind non merely your ability to get into the Armed services just which MOS, AFSC or Rating that you qualify for.

Each branch has a minimum score on the Armed Forces Qualification Examination (AFQT).

This component of the ASVAB test measures your overall performance.

The other portions of the test will decide your aptitude for certain areas such every bit Electronics or General Scientific discipline.

Each MOS, AFSC or Rating will accept minimum scores for certain areas of the ASVAB examination relating to the job function.

MEPS Medical Evaluation/Testing

At MEPS you will conduct several different medical evaluations and tests.

These tests are conducted to ensure you meet the qualifications for the co-operative you wish to join, the position you are aiming for and that you lot run into whatsoever Department of Defense force regulations.

Prior to a medical briefing, your blood force per unit area, vision and hearing will be checked.

Claret Pressure, Pulse and Temperature

These tests are less invasive and tin be completed relatively speedily, barring any issues.

Blood pressure tests will be taken using a standard cuff with the applicant in the seated position, with both anxiety flat on the footing.

Tests are considered abnormal if the Systolic measurement is above 140mmHg and the Diastolic measurement greater than 90mmHg.

When having your pulse checked, 99 or below is considered normal.

It is common for people to be nervous at MEPS and information technology can sometimes be high.

If information technology is loftier an EKG may be recommended.

Temperatures are taken and are required to exist below 100.v degrees Fahrenheit.

If temperature is higher up 100.5 they volition require you to return in 48 hours to become another reading.

If you practise non laissez passer the tests performed in the blood force per unit area, pulse and temperature section, you volition not be immediately butterfingers, but asked to render at a after date later on potential additional medical visits.

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Hearing and Vision

MEPS Medical Evaluation
Applicant completing visual examinations at MEPS. Prototype:

Hearing tests (Audiogram) will be completed, testing for normal hearing limits.

Vision tests volition be conducted to meet the vision standards gear up by your co-operative or specific jobs.

Included with the vision tests will be colour vision testing including, the PiP exam, FALANT test and Regular army Red/Green examination.

These tests include reading color numbers on plates and results in a simple "laissez passer" or "fail".

An Ortho-Neuro evaluation will exist completed to exam your residuum.

Applicants are tested on depth perception and will exist required to complete further testing if you fail portions of the exam or any other test covered in this section.

Medical Brief

A medical cursory volition exist conducted after the bones testing.

This is when you lot will larn how to and begin to fill out the following documents:

  • FF Class 2005
  • DD Form 2807-i
  • DD Class 2808
  • UMF 40-8-1-E (Drug/Alcohol and HIV Acknowledgement)
  • USMEPCOM Form (UMF) forty-ane-15-ane-East (Medical History)
  • Standard Course (SF) 07 Medical Tape
  • UMF forty-one-eighteen (Identifying/Permanent Markers/Piercings)

Alcohol/Drug Testing

Immediately following completing the medical briefing y'all will be required to complete a breath alcohol exam.

Yous will complete urinalysis testing including drug testing besides.

It is best to exist completely open about any drug or booze use, equally they're going to notice out i way or another!


A complete physical will be washed on all individuals.

This will require you to be viewed in your under garments.

Women will consummate physicals separate from men, and in individual.

Some of the physical will exist covered during the medical conference, and the rest will exist completed past a provider.

Areas will exist examined and marked either normal, abnormal or not examined.

Examiners are looking for lesions, abnormalities, inadequacies, history or indications of surgery and other oddities.

Areas to examine include:

  • Head, face, cervix, scalp
  • Olfactory organ, sinuses, oral cavity and throat
  • Ears
  • Eyes
  • Centre
  • Lungs, Chest
  • Vascular System
  • Rectum
  • Belly
  • Genitalia
  • Upper and lower extremities
  • Anxiety
  • Spine
  • Dental
  • Skin

Some abnormalities are considered disqualifying, while others may require waivers or additional medical screening.

Elevation, Weight and BMI

You will have your height measured without shoes and socks.

Your weight volition be measured in underwear, rounded to the nearest pound.

Not coming together height requirements for your branch of service volition effect in a permanent disqualification.

You tin can obtain a waiver to endeavor to enter at your current height.

If you are overweight you volition be required to lose the weight before returning to MEPS.

Yous volition receive a RJ (Return Justified) appointment with iv calendar days for every 1 pound you are over.

A Gulick II tape measure will measure out your body fat.

The minimum BMI is xix with a BMI of 17.five or less being temporarily disqualifying.


To test for any muscle, coordination or posture issues a fitness test volition exist performed.

This tin include continuing and moving in distinct ways.

Medical History Interview

All applicants will exist questioned on their medical history.

This is conducted in private between a medical professional person and the bidder but.

They volition enquire you lot go over the documents y'all had previously completed as well equally additional information.

You lot will be asked on items such as previous medical history, procedures and drug use.

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Behavioral Health

The Military wants to ensure that you are prepared for the mental challenges presented while serving.

All applicants will get through a Applicant Behavioral Health interview.

During this process it will exist determined if applicants run across the medical standards for behavioral health.

Medical history, answers on forms and a discussion will all be used to ensure applicants come across those standards.

Additional screening may occur if the professional has any questions on history or behavior.

Swearing In Ceremony

MEPS Oath of Enlistment
Navy applicants participating in the Oath of Enlistment. Image:

Once you lot consummate all testing, and are accounted qualified for service, yous will run across with an representative from your branch of service.

You will select your job and and so talk over your contract.

After you have signed your enlistment contract you volition participate in the Oath of Enlistment Anniversary.

The Oath of Enlistment Ceremony, or Swearing In Ceremony, takes place at the MEPS role.

When swearing in the Enlistment Officer volition have you repeat the enlisted or officer oath.

You raise your right hand and repeat the Oath after the Officer.

When scheduling your MEPS appointment you will be provided with an approximate time that you will exist swearing in.

You lot are allowed to provide this time to your family then they can be present when you lot swear in.

At this fourth dimension you have signed your contract and agreed to serve your country.

How Should I Prepare For MEPS?

Preparing for MEPS should be similar preparing for a job interview.

Y'all want every piece of documentation that you might demand, ready to get and you want to exist professional.

You should apparel in cool, comfy, (only advisable) clothing and ensure you lot are wearing underwear, (you will exist performing a physical in them later).

Comfortable vesture does not include vesture that shows excessive skin or is something that y'all would article of clothing to bed.

Do not wear any jewelry, hats or other unnecessary items.

You volition be provided with stations to place personal items while you are performing testing, these are not always secure locations.

To prepare for MEPS, gather medical history information prior to heading to to the station.

Speak with family members to run across if there are whatever rare weather, babyhood diseases or other information that may seem important.

Ensure to bring your ID, birth document, Social Security card, and any medical documents.

If you article of clothing contacts or glasses, bring them with you lot as well as a copy of your prescription.

Y'all must also bring your USMEPCOM Form 680-3A-E, request for test.

Inside the facility keep talking to a minimum.

You will be moving from station to station and required to focus on the questioning or task at mitt.

Try to exist professional person and continue in mind this is your interview before you sign your contract.

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Often Asked Questions

How long does the MEPS process take?

The MEPS process length depends on how many applicants are scheduled on the twenty-four hour period you attend.

It tin accept anywhere from 6-8 hours to ii days, although that is not as common.

Information technology also depends on how prepared y'all are and if you have taken your ASVAB test prior to attending MEPS.

Be prepared to be in that location for the entire twenty-four hour period into belatedly evening.

Are in that location whatever special tests/considerations for females at MEPS?

Yes, there are special tests and considerations for females.

When completing their physical, females will exist taken to a private area.

Other considerations include having different acme and weight requirements.

Females are besides required to take a pregnancy test at MEPS.

Can y'all accept your phone at MEPS?

Yes, you can take your phone with you at MEPS.

All the same, they are only by and large allowed in the waiting area and are not allowed in any testing expanse.

What happens if I fail MEPS?

In short, it actually depends on the reasoning that yous neglect MEPS.

There are diverse ways to neglect MEPS and differing repercussions.

Some disqualifying events, such as not disclosing color correcting contacts, will consequence in a N status and yous volition not be able to complete processing for six months.

If you do not meet certain qualifications such as weight or body fatty you lot volition be given a date to return to MEPS and must see the qualification at that signal.

These disqualification use code 3T- temporary medical status.

For some tests, such as claret pressure, y'all could be asked to see a private health care professional to go separate readings and potential evaluation on why it is loftier.

This would result in your case needing further review and you leaving with an O- Open Status.

A permanent medical condition that does not laissez passer qualification standards will result in a 3P disqualification.

You tin can attempt to utilize for a waiver in this instance.

For disqualifications that result in not being fit for service or a denial of a waiver, you are not permitted to bring together.

Information technology is possible to hash out with a recruiter to see if another branch is an pick.

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MEPS Fingerprint
Applicants volition complete a finger impress screening that will exist used in a criminal background check in addition to identification for checking in at MEPS processing areas. Image:

In summary, your MEPS visit does not take to exist something you dread.

Be honest, move rapidly and comply with all tasks and you volition get through the process every bit quickly as possible.

MEPS begins with pre-screening at your recruiters office and ends with taking the Oath of Enlistment.

This day should non be taken lightly, but post-obit this guide y'all can ensure you are properly prepared.


Army MEPS Details

Medical Cess Details

MEPS Website

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Learn more about the process at MEPS, including where it's conducted, what happens there, and details on the medical evaluation and testing.

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